Become an accredited SQAS Assessor – Request your participation to our training on 15-17 May in Brussels

Become an accredited SQAS Assessor - Request your participation to our training on 15-17 May in Brussels
Analysing risks and taking actions to reduce them is critical in logistics and transportation to protect the environment, the public, and companies’ reputation. Companies can avoid accidents and non-compliance with legislation by ensuring proper transportation, handling, and storage. At the same time, promoting safe transportation practices can build trust with stakeholders and contribute to sustainability efforts.
SQAS, a Cefic initiative, is a voluntary assessment system that evaluates the safety, environmental, security, health, and quality, performance of logistics service providers, including road and rail carriers, tank cleaning stations, and warehouses. Assessments are conducted by accredited SQAS Assessors.
Cefic is organising a training in person in Brussels, from 15th to 17th May 2024. The venue will be confirmed to the registered participants in due time.
What can you get from this Cefic training?
– a uniform and consistent interpretation of assessment questionnaires and guidelines by all assessors, regardless of your background or country;
– a common assessment standard amongst assessors concerning legislative requirements and the industry standards related to safety, health, environment, security, quality and corporate social responsibility (CSR) aspects of these partner industries
– an accreditation to carry out SQAS audits in a certain territory (typically one or two countries)
Participation in this training is complimentary and subject to confirmation of registration. Candidates are required to meet the pre-requisites.
Request to participate in our training to obtain your accreditation as an SQAS Assessor and start conducting audits!
To check if you meet the pre-requisites and request your participation to the training, please contact us before 26th April COB:
Transport & Logistics Safety Manager